Sabtu, 02 April 2016

Drini Beach

Quiet beach at Coral Island

A coral island on the shoreline Drini Beach splitting into two parts with the character of the opposite. East side quiet and western fierce, making it into a beach Drini Beach double character.

The scent of the sea began to smell when we walked the streets on the outskirts of Gunung smoothly, a sign we're getting closer to the beach. Two hours drive from Yogyakarta paid off when we arrived at the Drini Beach. Not to mention the fierce sun, was kind enough to paint a blue sky, making it the backdrop to the white sand. While a lonely coral island afloat in the ocean.

Drini Beach became one of the privileged beaches on the coast of Gunung due to a small island in the middle, dividing the beach into two parts. It is said that on the island are overgrown Santigi (Pemphis acidula), or the people here used to call Drini. That is why the beach and the island was named Drini. When the sea is receding, we can go to the island. There needs to be a climber to climb the rock, for the concrete stairs willing dipijak sake take us to the top. From here, the view we could comb the entire Drini Beach, saw mountains reed gazebo roof up to a row of fishing boats. All looked tiny, like a homemade miniature dwarf. Now, no more trees Drini, there is only the sea pandan (Pandanus tectorius) meet every inch of ground, scrambling to live with grass. When we went there, there was an old man engrossed nembang Java while looking for grass for animal feed. Sounds like a singer accompanied by an orchestra of nature. Ah, how peaceful ...

The island is also the same time separating East and West side of the beach into two different characters. Like humans multiples, one side is quiet and gentle, while the other is hard and fierce. On the East coast, cliffs march proudly, standing as if challenging the imperious ruler of the sea. Combined with coral island, then a beautiful lagoon that was formed. Emerging from the raging waves, making it a comfortable place to warm saltwater bath, like being in a giant bath tub, relaxes tired muscles along the coral island. The composition of water is blue-green, with the walls and surrounding coral islands, as well as the blue sky roof, plus a free view towards the open sea, defeating salon spa facilities of anywhere on earth. While enjoying a massage seawater, natural aquarium that collect a variety of marine life always accompany. Hordes of Sand Goby fish types, Jambrong, and Sergeant Major seemed to be playing hide and seek, chasing each other on the sidelines of the reef, mutual sepermainannya hide from your friends.

In the middle of the beach, inline with directions to the island, there is something interesting. Set of thin black sand is very fine diameter shamelessly broke the dominance of white sand. When the eyes of the unwary, this section will surely be missed. According to research, there used to be an underground river empties into the Drini Beach. The flow brings black sand that now can still be seen.

West side of the beach has not lost the charm of the exotic; outrigger boat moored row, taking a break after a night wrestling with South sea waves. One of two fishermen seen casting nets into the water, hoping for some fish willing to come, surrender subsistence fishermen families. Yes, Drini Beach is also a traditional fishing village. Characters more powerful waves and straight into the ocean without blocking coral, be the right place for the fishermen to leave and return to sea lanes.

Exhausted from the beach, let rest in wooden gazebos thatched roofs. Enjoy the freshness of coconut water as relieving thirst while waiting for the fishermen catch fish overcooked burned. Outing to the Drini Beach seemed to come to a therapist. Restoring tired in the legs, also in the liver.

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